“I find it easy to get clients. This is because I’ve mastered the techniques of pitching to prospective clients and it helps grow my freelance career,” Says Ann, a freelance mom.

Freelancers want to be like Ann. To master the method that gets high paying clients. Not pitching the right way can be so frustrating. Hence, it’s essential to master the ropes of pitching to clients.
Clients love freelancers that are concerned about them. They want you to talk about their problem and how you can help. On freelance sites, like Upwork, freelancer, you need to be strategic in writing pitches. Although it is called “proposals” instead of “pitches.”
In this article, we have curated the best tips for pitching to clients that work. Applying these techniques guarantees 99.9% of success when pitching to clients.

What is pitching?

Pitching is writing to prospective clients to offer services as a freelancer. Most likely, it’s written to someone you don’t know. On some freelance sites, it is called proposals. Pitching is essential because it enables you to work directly with clients that need your services.

How To Pitch To Clients

Freelance means freedom. You’re your boss, and you coordinate all services yourself. Pitching to clients is essential. You can’t wait for clients to find you. You have to source for clients. Here are five great tips to help you get started.

1. Personalize your pitches

Remember that the client, on the other end, is human. Most clients are likely to open emails or proposals with their names. Studies show that personalized emails increase the open rate by almost 20%. You can also look for a point of interest of the client. What if you don’t know the name of the client? You might ask. If you’re pitching to a company, like B2B or B2C, you can check the company’s About Us page. Or you can use LinkedIn to search for the name of the company employees.
In cases of freelance sites, you can check the reviews from other freelancers. Freelancers who have worked with the same client might include the name of the client when writing reviews.

2. Be concise

Most clients are busy to read long pitches. They probably will skim through the sales copy to know what is in for them. It would help if you showed your understanding of what the client’s needs are. Nobody wants to read a long boring sales pitch. It would help if you said all you can offer in a few but convincing words. You can tailor it to speak directly to the client’s problem. You can achieve this by:
• Understanding the problem
• Crafting the solution to the problem

3. Add relevant samples

When writing your sales pitch, be sure to attach relevant samples. Relevant samples mean it has to be similar to the job you’re pitching to. If you’re applying for a web design for a fashion company, you can attach samples of fashion websites you’ve designed. Adding work samples tells the client how capable you are. You can go further by adding a link to your portfolio. This way, you give the client access to lots of options to choose from.
You can also include testimonials from other clients you have worked with. Ensure they relate to the job you’re applying for. This way, the clients feel confident in hiring you. If you have worked with a big brand, you can include it in your sales pitch or proposals. It commands another level of authority for you and grabs your client’s attention.

4. Offer a professional advice

Most freelancers are skeptical about providing professional advice in their sales pitch. They are afraid the client may steal their idea and not hire them. Should you add professional suggestions when writing proposals or pitches? YES! Adding professional advice confirms your expertise in the area of interest. Clients are interested in what you can do for them.

5. Ask for the sale

Studies show that clients don’t respond to cold emails without a clear CTA (Call To Action). The pitch may have great quality. The copy might have been so excellent and convincing. Without a clear call to action, you might not get what you want. Because the client might not be sure of what your needs are. Carefully include a clear CTA to your sales pitch, asking the client for sale. You can ask your client to give you a call for a free consultation. Your CTA might not be for sales, but something different. Including a clearly defined CTA that turns prospects into clients.

As a freelancer, you’re your boss. Mastering the art of pitching to prospective clients will keep your freelance career growing. You get to meet new clients and establish new working relationships.



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